Roustabout Software Rental Quotes

This area will be used to generate quotes for services as well and rental items.  


To create/ view the Rental Quotes module:

Select the Inventory Rental drop-down from the side navigation menu, then select the Rental Quote option

Rental Quote Main Page

The Rental Quote Main page allows you to easily track and manage your quotes.  You can customize areas and easily drag and drop quotes within your own process.  From the main page, you can also create new quotes, manage quote statuses, and add up to two custom quote fields.

Adding Quote Statuses:

1. From the Quote Management page select the Add Status option:

2. Add the Staus Name and select the Save Button

The newly added status will now appear on the Quote Management Page as shown below:

Rearranging Statuses:

All statuses can be rearranged by simply dragging them to the appropriate order you wish to view them.  To do this hover over the status name and click to drag to the appropriate location on the screen:



Deactivating/ Deleting Statuses

Status can either be deleted or deactivated only if they do not contain any active quotes.  To delete a status you must remove any archived quotes from the status, as well as any active quotes.

To deactivate a quote status container

(Deactivated Statuses can be returned to the main quote page by turning them to active status by selecting the Inactive Status filter at the top of the page )

1. Select the dropdown arrow of the status you wish to deactivate

2. Select the deactivate option from the options

To delete a status container

***DELETING a STATUS will remove it indefinitely***

1. Select the dropdown arrow of the status you wish to deactivate

2. Select the deactivate option from the options

Managing Custom Fields

The Rental Quote allows you to have 2 custom fields on the quote.  These will be areas that you can specify any information not covered within the quote template.  

To add the label for the custom field, select the Manage Custom Fields button:

After selecting the Manage Custom Fields button, a prompt will display.  Add the label you wish to use for each of the custom field areas and select the Save Changes button.

Adding a New Rental Quote

To add a New Rental Quote select the Add Quote button at the top of the page

Entering Quote Header Data

After selecting the Add Quote button, you will be prompted to enter the new quotes header information.

Set the information for each of the areas.  After setting all the information select the Create Quote button

(The areas marked with a are required fields that must be entered)

The newly created quote will now show under the Created bucket.

Moving the Quote to Different Statuses

To move a Quote to different status containers:

1. Hover the mouse over the quote you wish to move.

2. Click and drag the quote to the desired status container

Adding Tickets and Rental Items to a Quote

To add information to a quote such as rental items and tickets for services to be conducted, simply select the Manage button.

After selecting the manage button you will be able to add the following elements to your quote:

Add Rental Group:

Rental Groups are used to categorize your rental equipment based on your specific needs.  You can have multiple rental groups on each quote.  By using this feature the rental groups allow you to easily separate your equipment on different dates or even separate them based upon different rental equipment types. By taking advantage of the rental groups you will be able to quickly and easily organize the layout of your quote and will display them with separation on the generated PDF quote copy.

How to add a Rental Group

To add a rental group, select the Add Rental Group button from the Manage Quote page.

After selecting the Add Rental Group button, you will be prompted to add a rental group name.  This will help to identify what types of equipment will be used in this grouped area.

Enter a name for the group and select the Save Group button.

Adding a Rental Category

After adding a rental group you will now be able to add a category for the type of equipment you wish to add to the quote.  You can add multiple categories to each rental group and have the ability to add multiple rental items under each category.

To add a category:

1. Select the category dropdown, and choose the needed category.  

    i. You can add a description in the notes field to be displayed on your pdf quote copy.

2. Adjust the number of items from that category that you wish to apply to the quote.  

3. Select the option for the rate. (See Description Below)

ii. You can add notes detailing rate information that will be displayed on your pdf quote copy.

4. Set the start and end date.

5. Check the "Hide Total" box to not use or show the category price on the pdf copy.

The total price and number of days will be automatically calculated and will display after each of these areas are set.

****Rate Descriptions****

1. Fixed-Daily Rate - This rate will be a set rate multiplied by the number of days. 

So $25 a day for 30 days = $750

2. Timed-Variable Rate - This is a unique algorithm that will find the best rate by using different price points based upon time.  By using this tier pricing method it allows you to make the best price available, that will be charged to your customer.  The timed variable rate option allows you to offer different price points based upon the length of time your customer uses your equipment.

Adding Rental Items

To add rental items to the rental quote:

1. Select the Eye button to expand the category.

2. After selecting the expand button, the rental items can be added to the rental quote.  Items that are added to the rental quote will display on the pdf copy, but will only use the item pricing if all items are set under the category.

To set the rental items:

1. Select the rental item from the dropdown list.

2. Select a lease if applicable.

3. Set the rate type and rate amount.  You can also display rate notes by entering details in the notes field.

4. Set the date and time for the rental items.

5. Select the "Hide Total" option to not have the price of the rental item included on the pdf copy.

Add a Ticket:

The add ticket button allows you to add services that are connected to the inventory items.  This is a great feature to add mobilization, maintenance, inspection, or any other services related to your rental equipment directly within the quote.  You can add all needed services on one ticket or they can be broken out into multiple work tickets.   

To add a Ticket

1. Select the Add Ticket button

2.. Select the Add Job button and select the type of work to be performed

3. Select the Add Assets Button

4. Select he Asset Type form the dropdown

5. Check the box corresponding to the assets you wish to add, and enter a price and QTY

6. Select the Add Asset to Ticket button

7. Select the Save Job Ticket Button

After adding the ticket for services that will be included in the quote, that assets will be displayed along with the type of work that needs to be performed.

Adding Quote Comments

The quote comments fields allow you to add any additional info to the bottom of the quote. 

To add comments:

1. Click into the text box at the end of the manage quote page.

2. Enter the desired text into the comments text bob.

3. Click anywhere outside of the text box to save the changes.

Viewing the PDF Quote Copy

After adding all the rental quote attributes as shown above, next you will be able to generate a PDF Quote copy of your newly created quote.

To view the PDF Quote Copy:

1. Select the dropdown arrow of the Quote you want to generate the PDF Quote Copy.

2. Select the PDF Option from the list.

After selecting the PDF option, your PDF Quote Copy will display in a new window for you to view, print, or download and send to your customer.