This Guide will show the mobile user how to add a special projects job by creating a ticket directly from the app. After the ticket is created and completed the ticket will show up in Admin Approval for the office to review and approve to be added to an invoice. After the ticket has been Admin Approved it will be removed from the app and will no longer be editable.
Creating A Special Projects job In the Mobile App
1. Select "Create Ticket"
2. Select "Special Projects"
3. Select the required fields to fill out desired ticket information
4. Enter dispatch comments if necessary
5. Select the "Save" Button to save created ticket and continue filling it out in Open Jobs
Accepting a Special Projects job from Dispatch
1. After a Job has been dispatched to the driver it will show up in Dispatch Jobs
2. To accept the job select the Accept button, this will move the job to the
Completing Ticket in Open Jobs
1. Navigate to Open Jobs
2. You can see the Special Projects Job information such as the Company, Lease, Comments, Date and Ticket Number.
3. If there are directions available for the lease, Selecting "Directions" will show you the Directions to the lease if there is an internet connection. If there aren't any directions attached to the lease a message at the bottom will say "This lease has no location set"
4. To continue filling out the ticket select the "Enter Totals" Button
5. To complete the ticket for the Special Projects you must enter the BBLs/QTY.
6. In the "Enter Gauges" tab you can enter the Top & Bottom Gauge for a Tank on site, as well as the Kolor Kut.
7. In the "Photos" tab you can take a picture of a work ticket to be accompanied with the digital ticket.
8. In the "Forms" tab you can select and fill out the necessary form by selecting the Add Form button.
9. Select the form and select Continue
10. Check the required options
11. Select the "Add Signature" button to Add a Signature or Signatures to the form.
12. Select the "Save" button to add the Form to the ticket.
13. Selecting the Pencil will edit the Form and the "X" will remove the Form from the ticket.
14. To complete ticket select the "Save" button at the top right corner of the page.
15. Select the "Save" button to save the changes made.
16. You will notice that the ticket will now have a "Complete" button that you can select.
17. To complete the ticket, select the "Complete" button
18. Select the "Select Complete Time" button to enter the End Date & Time for the ticket.
19. You can also enter comments.
20. Select the Complete button at the top right to complete the job and move to the next step
21. To View or Edit the completed jobs, Navigate to the Loads Completed section and locate the completed ticket.
22. Select "Edit Totals" to view that ticket information or make changes to the ticket.
23. Select the "Save" button to save and changes made, or "Cancel" when you are done viewing the ticket.
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