Overview of Bill Type Per Load in Hauling Software

Per Load Pricing, as the name suggests is where the bill on a ticket is determined by the number of loads hauled instead of the number of barrels hauled or hours spent. It allows the user to price a ticket at a flat rate while still keeping track of barrels hauled or hours spent on a site.

How to use Bill Type: Per Load

1. Select the Main Menu Drop-down

2. Select Ticket Entry

3. Select Enter Ticket

4. Fill out Ticket Entry fields

5. Select the Bill Type Drop-down

6. Select Per Load from the pricing Drop-down

7. The Price Per Load shows up here and can be edited 

8. The user can change the Number of Loads 

9. The price is reflected at the bottom of the screen, 

Select the Save Ticket button to save this ticket and apply changes

How to set Price Per Load per Customer

1. Select the Main Menu Drop-down

2. Select System Administration

3. Select Admin Home

4. Select Customer from the table

5. Find the Customer you wish to edit and Select the $Pricing button from the right hand side

6. Set the Per Load price desired

7. Select Save Pricing to apply and save changes

How to set Price Per Load per Lease

1. Select the Main Menu Drop-down

2. Select System Administration

3. Select Admin Home

4. Select Lease from the table

5. Find the Lease you wish to edit and Select the $Pricing button from the right hand side

6. Set the Load Price in the pricing column

7. Select the Save Pricing to apply and save changes 

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All information provided is for software products produced by CantrellJackson.com