Fixed Flowrate Lease

This guide will show how to use the new Fixed Autohaul lease type in Hauling Software

***NOTE: When switching between Lease Types, it will typically require one load to be completed with the new Lease Type for the new calculations to take effect!

1. In the left side menu, click on System Administration, and then Admin Home:

2. Click on Leases:

3. Once you are in Lease Administration, you can either Edit A Lease or Add A New Lease. Once you are in the Lease Settings, change your Lease Type to Fixed Autohaul:

4. You can then enter your desired Fixed Flowrate:

5. Scroll down and click Save Changes:

Once your Fixed Autohaul has been started, you can manipulate the flowrate with 3 methods:

1. Editing the Lease in Lease Administration and changing the Fixed Flowrate (this will use the new flowrate to calculate all future loads):

2. Updating Manual Flowrate for one load (this will use the new flowrate to calculate ONE load, then return to the original flowrate for all future loads):

3. Updating Manual Flowrate and using the new flowrate for all future loads:

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