New Features Release 

May 2019

Hauling Software - Dispatch

New Feature


Rename "Dispatch Combine" to "Job Schedule"

Renamed the Dispatch Combine to Job Schedule to allow for a more efficient User Interface streamlining website navigation for each user from beginner to expert.

Rename " Add New Will Call" to  "Add New Job to Schedule"

Renamed the "Add New Will Call" to "Add Job to Schedule"

Changed Wording to reflect updates to naming convention for the Job Schedule

Updated working to create a dynamic workflow from job scheduling to completion

Hover for Alert Status

Added new "Hover For Alert Status" icon on Job Schedule

Feature allows for better understanding of job coloring by providing a written description of alert type

Enables user level interaction for alerts and provides an interactive interface to provide job alert details based upon system settings

Added a Job ID for each Scheduled Job 

Added a  ID number for each job added to the Job Schedule.  This ID number allows for easier job tracking, searching, and provides greater visibility into your job schedule

Change displayed wording for Auto Hauled Jobs from W/H-P to A/H-BBL and A/H-Time

Changed displayed wording for Auto-Haul leases on the Job Schedule to A/H -BBL for by the barrel Leases and A/H-Time for Timed Leases 

Updated wording to allow for greater understanding and enhance overall User-interface allowing users to easily identify auto-haul jobs based upon type.

Updated Multiple Entry Lease Selection Tool

Updated the Multiple Lease Selection tool used when creating Multiple jobs.  
Updated method to provide easier viewing within display modal. 
 Updated display to allow detailed tracking of added leases
Updated select tool from checkbox to lease selection drop-down list

Quick Update Lease Gauges and Manual Flow Rate

New Feature: Added a Quick Navigation Button on Lease Search page for Updating Lease Gauges and Manual Flow Rate
Added buttons increase navigation speed for utilizing the update features
Allows for faster updates requiring less website navigation
Increases visibility for lease prior to updates being processed

Job Priority with Color Coding

Select the link below to view Knowledge Base Article

System Admin-Dispatch Priority

New Feature: Added a Job Priority with text description and color picker in System Administration
Allows dispatchers to create a written status and assign a color.
Dispatchers can then select jobs from the schedule and assign status/color
Feature increases jobs User Interface by allowing site specific job interaction and customizes job schedule viewing within Job Schedule

Bug Fix Report / Feature Enhancements 

Alert for Double Dispatch

Issue: Same job being dispatched by different users
Fixes: Ensuring a job that is on schedule is not double dispatched.
Created alert for job that has already been dispatched
Timed logging for dispatched jobs

Update Lease Gauges 

(Manual Flow Rate)

Issue:  Using incorrect load time to calculate next pickup time, after an updated gauge has been set.

Fixes: Updated parameters to include checks that allow for updated lease gauge calculations in Manual Flow Rate Override

Changes to 

Load Time

Issue: When updating Load Time for a dispatched/completed job, next pull times were not displaying the updated load time on dispatch schedule

Fixes: Updated parameters to include checks after user update/ completion of dispatched jobs and update next pull time on job schedule.

Page Layout Changes

Issue: Visible area when viewing Job schedule not allowing for optimal job viewing due to page layout

Fixes: Moved Yard Selection and Add Job to schedule buttons
Removed Priority Alert drop-down and set "Alert on Hover" icon to display priority alerts

Hauling Software - Ticketing

New FeaturesDescription
Location Specific Pricing

To learn more about this new feature select the link below

Pricing Structure in Hauling Software

New Feature: Added destination specific pricing.  Hauling Software now allows for location specific pricing to be established at the lease level and company level.  The pricing will allow for user to set BBL specific pricing to individual disposals.

Bug Fixes/ Feature Enhancements

Additional Line Item

Issue: Showing both the BBL and Hourly field when adding an additional line item

Fixes: If additional line items are set to hourly or BBL/QTY will only display the field according to setting

Adding End Time to Driver Runs Report

Issue: Not able to view end time on driver runs report

Fixes: Added end time after expanding individual drivers for the drivers runs report