Overview of the Billed Vs Un-billed Report In Roustabout Software

To navigate to the Billed vs Un-Billed

1. Select the Main Menu Drop-down

2. Expand the Reports Tab

3. Select the Billed Vs Un-Billed Report

After selecting the Report tab you will be directed to the Billed vs Un-Billed Report

From here you can:

4. Expand the Advanced Filter and Sort by

a. Company

b. Yard

c. Select Filter to view Report sorted by Advanced Filters

5. View Specific Dates by using the Date Picker

6. Select Apply to filter Report By Date

Viewing the Billed vs Un-Billed Report

7. This is a detailed Report of all Tickets that have been processed through the Invoicing portion of the Software

8. This is a detailed report of all tickets that have been Entered and NOT Invoiced in the Software

9.  This is a detailed Report of All tickets entered into the Software

Exporting the Report to CSV (Excel Spreadsheet)

To export the Report to a CSV 

10. Select the CSV button to export

11. Open the File from the bottom of the Browser

You can now view the data in an Excel Spreadsheet

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All information provided is for software products produced by CantrellJackson.com