This Guide Will Show You How To Roll Back An Already Invoiced Ticket or Move A Ticket to Another Invoice

1. From the Main Menu, select Invoice from the Side Menu

2. Next, select Invoice Lookup:

3. You will be directed to the Invoice Lookup page. Here, you will see all of your invoices listed. Locate the Invoice that needs the ticket rolled back/moved. You can do this by looking through the Invoice Numbers in the list or using the Search Field in the top right. Once you find the correct Invoice, select View Tickets on that Invoice:

4. All the tickets associated with that Invoice will be listed at the top of the page. Find the problem ticket in the list, which has the paper ticket numbers displayed (In our example, it will be paper ticket #110-26). Once you find the ticket, select the red Rollback button next to the ticket:

5. Confirm that you would like to roll back the ticket:

6. The ticket has now been rolled back to Invoice Review and is off of your Invoice! Once this is done, make sure to select Delete and Rebuild Invoice PDF, and it will rebuild the Invoice without the ticket on it:

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