How to Save/Print a Single Invoice Grouped With It's Corresponding Tickets

1. Select Invoice from the left menu bar:

2. Select Invoice Lookup from the drop-down:

3.  This will direct you to the Invoice Lookup Page. From here you can view all your current invoices. To find the invoice you are looking for, you can either look through the list, or use the search field in the top right to search for the invoice number, or any of the other invoice information (shown below). Once you have located the desired invoice, select View Tickets on the right:

4.  The selected invoices information and corresponding tickets will be shown at the top of the page. Select Save/Print All PDF Scans to Single PDF File.

5. You can then select which option you would like for grouping. You can have different amounts of tickets per page with or without the Invoice grouped with them:

6. The first page(s) will be your invoice and the following page(s) with have the associated tickets grouped into a single PDF for your records or even an alternate invoice format for billing!

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