Overview of Lease Administration in Roustabout Software

1. Select System Administration from the left menu bar:

2. Select Leases from the drop-down list:

Add a Lease

1. Select Add Lease in the top right: 

2. This will open the Add Lease Window. Here you can enter all the information for the new Lease:

Name - Enter the name of the Lease

AFE - If there is an AFE number, enter it here

Company - Select the correct Company from the drop-down list

Area - Select the correct Yard from the drop-down list

Contact Name - If there is a specific contact person for the lease, enter their name here

Contact # - Enter the Contact Person's phone number

Contact Email - Enter Contact Person's email

Status - Select whether you want this lease to be Active or Inactive in the system

Edit a Lease

1. Select the Edit button next to the Lease you want to Edit:

2. Make any necessary changes, then select the Save Changes button at the bottom: 

Find a Lease

1. To find a Lease, you can use the Search Bar in the top right:

If you can't find the desired Lease, it may be Inactive. Change the left drop-down to Inactive Only to show Inactive Leases

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